Estonians have been baking bread for over seven thousand years, bread has always been considered as one of our most important food products – one can say that bread is the symbol of food in Estonia. There are many beliefs and customs related to bread, the following of which was thought to keep food on the table and the family living a happy life.
The art of bread baking is experiencing a revival in popularity, and quality handmade breads can be found in neighbourhood bakeries and restaurants like Leib Resto ja Aed, which has bread right in the name. Just be careful not too eat too much of this heavenly baked good before your main dish arrives! If you're still longing for the bread after your meal, some restaurants even sell loaves to-go.

Black rye bread accompanies almost every savory food in Estonia. Estonians continue to value their varieties of black rye-based bread. Estonia has not been a land of plenty. If a piece of bread was dropped on the floor, it was good form to pick it up, kiss it to show respect and eat it.

Sepik is an Estonian whole wheat bread. Sepik is prepared with wheat flour or with a mixture that can contain wheat, rye and barley flour. Additionally it can contain bran.
“Kama flour” is healthy and natural product made of Estonian crops. A meal from kama flour will provide you with a healthier diet option. Kama flour is a product rich in fibres and minerals and a valuable source of B group vitamins. Use kama flour with fermented milk products, it will double the healthy impact.
Nowadays kama is used for making some desserts. It is mostly enjoyed for breakfast mixed with milk, buttermilk or kefir as mush. It is frequently sweetened with sugar and berries